Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Speed animation 04

In honor of woman crush wednesdays or #WCW to you hashtag warriors out there, i thought that i'd do this animation today.  A little play on words.  this one took me longer today... about 2 hours.  took me a while to figure out how to do this one.  



  1. since you seem to be doing a lot of action stuff lately, i have a couple suggestions overall. Maybe you can play around with having a LOT more texture to your timing. Try to push the contrast in timing to more of an extreme. Like her first 2 punches and kick could have been clumped together, then we have a breath before she slams the soda machine. also getting more extreme contrast in her line of action between the antic and extreme would be nice too. Just a little food for thought as you continue to move forward. Keep it up!

    1. thanks aaron! I was thinking that earlier, but to me i felt like it would have been a lot more animation than what i had time for. since this took me so long i left it in more of a limited style of animation. But thanks again for the suggestions, I will remember that for next time!
